Alabama’s NCLB Waiver Application Ready to be Submitted

After many weeks of work and collaboration with education leaders around the state, including A+ Education Partnership, the Alabama State Board of Education is prepared to submit its application for a waiver of the No Child Left Behind mandates.

In a Birmingham News article, State Superintendent Dr. Tommy Bice said, “No Child Left Behind in its inception was great, it’s just not what we need now … We want to return teaching to what it should be,” referring to shifting the focus to student-centered learning and away from a heavy focus on the standardized tests. He also reiterated that the state’s new plan is designed to help each, individual student progress from whatever their benchmark level may be.

In the state department’s Plan 2020, more accountability and measurement focus will be given to student progress, rather than just achievement alone.

The deadline to submit the waiver application is September 6th. Dr. Bice indicated that he expects an answer from the U.S. Department of Education early next year.