Recently, The College Board released its annual report on AP participation. Alabama showed amazing gains in the number of students taking AP courses and exams. In Alabama, 15,008 students took at least one AP exam last May. That number is double the participation rate from just five years ago! Many of these gains were among American Indian and African American students. In just the past year, AP participation among these minorities increased almost 30%.
“The incredible gain in number of students in AP is a real sign of success for ACCESS Distance Learning and the collaborative partnership with A+ College Ready; and of course, for students in AP classes who demonstrate the drive and desire to excel academically,” said Larry Craven, Interim State Superintendent.
Since 2008, A+ College Ready has worked to increase the number of students taking math, science, and English AP courses in Alabama’s public schools. A+ College Ready participating schools have experienced a more than 110% increase in the number of students scoring a 3 or above on AP exams. Last year, the program added 20 more schools for a total of 43 participating schools statewide. Alabama’s ACCESS Distance Learning Program also boosts student AP participation by providing online AP course instruction to students in 174 schools across the state.
Click here for more information on ACCESS Distance Learning, and here to learn about A+ College Ready.
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