Tag: Pike Road Schools

Teacher Voices: Attending Summer Conferences Like ISTE Can “Reignite the Fire” for Teaching (Renee Dickerson, Pike Road)

This summer, ABPC Program Coordinator Emily Strickland has been asking teachers in our statewide educator networks how they’re spending their summer break. We have one more contributor! Renee Dickerson is a third grade teacher (the “Community 3 Lead Learner”) at Pike Road Elementary School. Among other learning activities this summer, she attended the always amazing ISTE Annual Conference.

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Teacher Voices: A Good Mentor and a Good Read Will Help New Teachers Ease Some First-Year Stress (Sara Steindorff, Pike Road)

A+ ABPC Program Coordinator Emily Strickland is asking educators how they’ll be spending their summer break. Sara Steindorff, a second grade teacher at Pike Road Elementary, plans to peruse her year-long “highs and lows” journal now that she has some time to reflect more deeply on what worked, what didn’t, and why. She also shares a tip for new teachers that can help relieve stress.

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