Research has shown that the more quality time a student spends in the classroom, the better he or she performs academically. Conversely, extended periods of time outside the classroom can cause students to lose skills and knowledge. It is also important that the time students spend in the classroom is well allocated, quality instructional time. This topic is closely linked to summer learning.
- National Center on Time & Learning – The mission of the National Center on Time & Learning is to expand learning time to improve student achievement and enable a well-rounded education. This site gives an overview of the issue of time and learning and provides multiple research findings, policy briefs, and promising practices concerning time and learning.
- National Governors Association Center for Best Practices – Time and Learning Reform – The National Governors Association is helping states develop Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELOs) to better serve students. This site contains research on how ELOs help students and how states can expand their ELO programs.
- Education Sector: Expanded Learning and School Time – Education Sector is an independent think tank that is committed to making a measurable impact on education poilcy. This site has reports, policy briefs and blog posts about the importance of time in learning.
- Prisoners of Time: Report of the National Education Commission on Time and Learning – This report addressed the issue of time and learning and gives states and districts recommendations on how to extend and enhance learning time.