AP Macroeconomics is now supported by A+ College Ready

A+ College Ready is expanding our course offerings! This year, six schools were selected to participate in the pilot program to launch support for AP Macroeconomics: Dothan Preparatory Academy, Carroll High School, Mortimer Jordan High School, Prattville High School, Decatur High School and Austin High School.

Teachers who will be teaching AP Macroeconomics received their first round of training on August 1 and 2 at Samford University and will complete their training during the Fall Conference on October 14 and 15. During the training, teachers participated in hands-on activities to use in their classrooms with students. They worked problems from the brand new set of lesson plans written by A+ College Ready consultants Megan Cole and Andie Freedman. The lesson plans were written to supplement the new College Board Course and Exam Description with suggested activities and resources.

As A+ College Ready began to make plans to launch support for AP Macroeconomics, Megan Cole was hired to serve as the content specialist for the course. She is currently a full time teacher at Homewood High School and has years of experience serving as a reader for the national exam. In conducting the training at Samford, Megan utilized the support of Wanda McAbee from the Alabama Council on Economic Education, and ACEE provided materials to the teachers for their use in the course. Additionally, the Federal Reserve has generously provided materials and support. The Fed will offer the use of their facilities for the October 15 training and will provide two training specialists to support the teachers.

Pictured above:  Teachers participate in training for AP Macroeconomics under the direction of Megan Cole, content specialist.  Wanda McAbee from the Alabama Council on Economic Education delivered some instruction and presented the participants with flash drives with a wealth of resources contained on them. (L to R) Sara Howard of Decatur High School, Joe Betterton of Austin High, John Recke of Mortimer Jordan, and Robert Peterson of Prattville High School.